Amazing and concerning work! Thank you for sharing how dangerous and focused on mutually assured destruction course he wants to take.

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We need regime change immediately. This man is a wrecking ball for democracy. There is no one to STOP him but the Judiciary. I am so ashamed to be an American on this day - The Ides of March.

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Thank You, Katie, I have talked about this since September. This isn’t new, and it isn’t subtle. The playbook is right there, spelled out step by step, and it is way past time that people in the U.S. start taking this seriously.

I see what you’re tracking, and it lines up exactly with what I have been saying for months. It’s not just rhetoric—it’s a pattern of actions stripping away limits, shifting what’s acceptable until the unacceptable becomes policy. The words aren’t random, the timing isn’t random, and the pieces are being moved deliberately.

Look at how Congress is ceding power. Look at how control over money and emergencies is being consolidated. Look at the way sovereignty—whether of Canada, Greenland, or Panama—is being reframed as optional. This isn’t a hypothetical. It’s already happening.

I have been watching from Germany, and I see what this is. I see how people here react when I tell them. And I see how many Americans still think it’s just bluster.

It’s not.

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WWIII in the making

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Dominion and subjugation. Those are Donald Trump's goals. He could not care less about the little people who vote, either for him or against him. He could not care less about his Secretary of State. Little Marco is as fungible a commodity as was General Mark Milley, John Bolton, or Rex Tillerson. Completely expendable. All of them. As are we, the voting populace. "If you elect me, you will never have to vote again". ""When you are the President, you have total power. It's absolute. The governors know that. It's like a king." "I'll only be a dictator for one day. Ha Ha." Trump's mental calculations and visions are that of a great powers totalitarian. The story goes like this. There are three great powers in the world today. Donald is one. Vladimir and Xi are the other two. Donald is the commander-in-chief of the most potent military that ever existed. He has purged the generals, the command interface with the soldiers and the support systems that makes the military a potent force. It is entirely under his control. He can do whatever he wants. It will weaken due to his meddling, but for the moment it is still the best in the world. Therefore, he must act quickly. Canada, Greenland and Panama are on Trump's menu of conquerable delicacies, but his appetite is even larger. Administration officials have floated the idea of sending US forces into Mexico to control the drug cartels and gangs. Indeed. Who would stop him? The Mexican government? Pffffttt. Who do they think they are? Besides, the drug trade would add a pretty penny to the Trump syndicate's coffers. Between Mexico and Panama is all of Central America. Might as well take that too. Trump imagines imperialism beyond any previously known. Donald takes Canada, Greenland, the Arctic and all the Western Hemisphere. Vlad and Xi can fight over the rest. Half the globe is Donald's Dominion. Will he desire even More? WW III. This is way bigger than which bathroom to use.

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I don’t know anymore how to get anyone to take Trump’s threats seriously. I feel like Cassandra.

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I agree. Please see my Substack post 2 days ago - Doge is a Trojan Horse. Bill Schneider

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