This is really helpful, thank you! Do you have plans to make a public dashboard to better visualize this info? I've seen a number of people looking for a Project 2025 tracker but haven't seen one published yet.
Thanks! That's a good idea--I don't know the best way to do this on Substack, but perhaps I can create a pinned post that I add each of the departments/chapters to as I try to follow along.
The list of rouges,deplorables,traitors, grifters,Nazi types grows. Elon is #1 even above Donnie. This OMB guy Christian national guy ranks high too. I can't keep track of names. Thanks for educating, helping us. Lots of links to follow. Everyone of those people are who my dad would call creeps.
This is valuable. Enormous gratitude. The format is difficult to deal with though and I fear people will not have the stamina. I don’t know what was meant by a dashboard, but an easier format would bring us more support, I hope.
This is really helpful, thank you! Do you have plans to make a public dashboard to better visualize this info? I've seen a number of people looking for a Project 2025 tracker but haven't seen one published yet.
Thanks! That's a good idea--I don't know the best way to do this on Substack, but perhaps I can create a pinned post that I add each of the departments/chapters to as I try to follow along.
The list of rouges,deplorables,traitors, grifters,Nazi types grows. Elon is #1 even above Donnie. This OMB guy Christian national guy ranks high too. I can't keep track of names. Thanks for educating, helping us. Lots of links to follow. Everyone of those people are who my dad would call creeps.
This is valuable. Enormous gratitude. The format is difficult to deal with though and I fear people will not have the stamina. I don’t know what was meant by a dashboard, but an easier format would bring us more support, I hope.